Hans Beller (1947) Graduated from the University of Television and Film and holds a diploma in psychology (diploma thesis – Perception of the Film on the Film Editing Examples). Beller has been making documentary films for more than 50 years. For the last 40 years he has been teaching filmmaking. He published the film editing manual Aspects of Film Montage (fifth edition, 2009). Since 1991 he has served as a professor at various higher education institutions. He served as a professor of film studies at Karlsruhe High School (ZKM) until 2001; he was a professor of TV practice at the High School of Media Arts of Cologne (KHM) until 2008. He is often invited as a lecturer to various German film schools. Beller is an ARD-ZDF trainer for graduate students. His critical essays have been printed in various magazines. He has published many books on film editing, film history and television.